

Nominate a person or group of people who have, in your opinion, made a substantial contribution to biotechnology. The nominee(s) can come from any time period. They can be currently living, or long dead. You must clearly explain the contribution your nominee(s) has made to the advancement of biotechnology, then explain the impact of this contribution. You must convince me and your TA why your nominee deserves the prize.

Hint: A good place to look for potential nominees is in the slides from Lectures 1 and 2. However, your choice is not limited to people, or groups mentioned in class.

Notes: Don't email me to ask if your nominee is good. The choice of nominee is part of the assignment.


- You must make your nomination in a maximum of five(5) single-sided pages, including references (this does not include a title page, if you are so inclined, but don't try to sneak extra text onto the title page).

- Use either the APA or the MLA style guide to format your references (see the guides on the BIOL 1010 CULearn page)

- Print must be double-spaced, with 1 inch margins all around.

- Type size must be no smaller than 12 points.

- Submit as an Adobe .pdf or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx file), or an RTF (Rich Text Format) document through the CULearn Assignment page.

We only count your two best assignments, and each of them counts for 20 marks in your final grade. This is how we will mark the assignment, so if you are smart, you will address each of these points in your nomination.

  - Is the choice of nominee appropriate? (ie. don't nominate a non-biotech person).

  - Is the format correct? (font, spacing, margins 5 pages total, etc.)

  - Is the contribution clearly explained? (What did the the nominee do?)

  - Were coherent, logical, well supported arguments presented in the paper?
  - Is the impact of the nominee's work in biotech clearly explained?

  - Is the paper well written with no grammatical or spelling errors?

  - Does the paper exhibit an understanding of the material?

  - Is the paper interesting to read?

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Biology: Thechoiceofnomineeappropriateiedontnominateanon-biotechperso
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