
the zipped folder intcollectionzip downloaded

The zipped folder int_collection.zip (downloaded from Blackboard) contains an abstract class AbstractIntCollection and two interfaces: IntList and IntStack. The abstract class contains support for the development of array based data structures. The two interfaces de ne the functionality of an integer list and an integer stack. Your task is to implement the two interfaces by inheriting from the abstract class, that is, create two classes with the following signatures:

public class ArrayIntList extends AbstractIntCollection implements IntList

public class ArrayIntStack extends AbstractIntCollection implements IntStack

Also write a test program CollectionMain, showing the functionality of the classes. Note: Your classes are supposed to use the abstract class and the interfaces exactly as they are given. You are not allowed to change ANYTHING in those classes (except from the package declaration).

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C/C++ Programming: the zipped folder intcollectionzip downloaded
Reference No:- TGS0211043

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