This exercise involves starting a new business or off shoring of an existing business in a foreign country. This may be a new enterprise that is started in a foreign country or an existing business that is expanded to another country. The main emphasis will be on the environmental scanning and assessing opportunities, risks and returns; and planning the entry, development, production, marketing and financing strategies in an international setting for a proposed business. All of the following must be covered in detail. However, the student needs not limit the assignment to these alone.
The specific components of the proposed plan should include:
> An environmental scan of the foreign country and along socio-political, economic, cultural, demographic, technological, and legal structure of the country.
> Description of the proposed business including product, legal and organizational structure, and reason for expansion.
> Identifying the core competencies providing the proposed business' global competitive advantage and international expansion strategy.
> Develop an operational plan for development, production, marketing and financing of the proposed business.
> Identifying logistics, raw materials, suppliers, buyers and the distribution channels of the proposed business.
> Projecting the return on investment after taxes, duties and exchange rates considerations.
The written paper is to be typed single-spaced, 1' margins, Ariel and 11-point font, page length between 8-15, with correct spelling and grammar, proper citation (APA format), references, a cover page, and organization with headings. The instructor's approval of the topic is required.