Q. A Proctor compaction test in the laboratory on a borrow pit soil gives a maximum dry unit weight of 19 kN/m3 and optimum water content of 11.5%. The bulk unit weight and water content of the soil in the borrow pit are 17.2 kN/m3 and 8.2%, respectively. A highway fill is to be constructed using this soil. The specifications require the fill to be compacted to 95% Proctor compaction.
(a) How many cubic meters of borrow pit material is needed for 1 m3 of highway fill?
(b) The water content at 95% compaction is 11% on the dry side and 12% on the wet side of the compaction curve. What is the minimum additional weight of water per unit volume to achieve 95% Proctor compaction?
(c) If the soil is compacted on the wet side, what will be the additional weight of water per unit volume to achieve 95% Proctor compaction?
(d) How many truckloads of soil will be required for a 100,000 m3 highway embankment if each truck has a capacity of 12 m3?