
The virulent t2 bacteriaphage life cycle is chrarcterizedas

1. The virulent T2 bacteriaphage life cycle is chrarcterizedas

A. a lytic cycle only
B. a prophage pathway
C. lytic and lysogenic cycles
D.. a lysogenic pathway only
E. none of the above.

2. Cotransductants can be detected when the transduced genesare

A. mutant
B. far apart on the same chromsome.
C. closely linked.
D. on different chromsomes
E. both B and D

3. A bacterial lysogen is

A. a cleared area in a bacterial lawn.
B. a type of bacteriophage that infects E. coli
C. a bacterial strain that is resistant to bacteriophageinfection.
D. a bacterial strain w a prophage
E. a bacteriophage that cannot infect bacteria.

4. E. coli strain that are Hfr

A. are easily mutated
B. are susceptible to infection by bacteriophage
C. cannot be made competent
D. contains the F factor integerated in the bacterialchromosome.
E have a low frequency of recombination.

5. Cotransductant bacteria can occur if

A. a bacterial cell wall picks up two fragments of DNA fromthe environment, each with a differ gene.
B. two genes are introduced into the same bacterium bystimultaneous infection w 2 differ phages.
C. two genes are closely linked enough so that they can bepackaged into a phage head and injected into a cell by a singlephage.
D. double-crossover occurs between prophage DNA and thebacterial chromsome.
E .Both C andD

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Biology: The virulent t2 bacteriaphage life cycle is chrarcterizedas
Reference No:- TGS0797944

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