
The variety of strategies used in solving what i can

Discussion Topic

Soletus explore your problem solving in thediscussion. In thisdiscussionyouwill need toexplore a significant/substantive/unique*problem you
have had to solve and the process you went through to solve it. First, you should express your problem in a detailed Problem Statement.

Second, you  should describe the process you followed to solvethe problem (incorporating(not just stating)at least 2 sources from the literatureand/orchapter). Third, you should state your solution and how it solved the problem.

I look forward to seeing the variety of strategies used in solving what I can imagine will be some rather significantsubstantive/unique problems.

The response should be no more than 2 pages (double spaced) in length.Figures and graphics are welcome.

A problem that goes beyond something that people do often.

For example, solving the problem of which hotel to stay at when traveling  to a conference is not a significant/substantive/unique problem.

However, selecting places to stay during a 2 month trip throughout Europe would qualify as a significant/substantive/unique problem.

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Dissertation: The variety of strategies used in solving what i can
Reference No:- TGS02398133

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