
The values of monetary aggregates

1. Choose three countries (Sweden, Nigeria, United Kingdom)
2. Compile the dataset for these countries and carry out necessary calculations
Introduction Part 1
Following data should be collected so that it could be used to characterize the processes in the economies and presented in easily understandable way together with sources of information:
1) GDP, GDP per capita (both nominal and in the terms of PPP);
2) Growth rate(s);
3) Employment and unemployment;
4) Inflation;
5) Government debt and budget balance;
6) Interest rates (government debt)
7) Comments and explanations
Part 2
1) Market capitalisation of major stock exchange;
2) Market index(es) and market rate(s) of return;
3) Three important (for you) shares and time series of their market prices (try to have same
sectors in all of your countries);
4) Rate(s) of return of these shares;
5) Comments and explanations
Part 3
1) Monetary aggregates (and definitions) in your countries;
2) The values of monetary aggregates;
3) Three major banks in the countries; their ownership structure and market shares;
4) Comments and explanations
Part 4
1) Conclusions and discussion  

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Reference No:- TGS0128030

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