
The use of fair value in financial accounting advantages

1. The Topic is ---- ""The use of Fair Value in financial accounting: advantages and/or disadvantages""

2. Type-- ** Literature Review

3. No. of words-- 2500 (excluding reference list)

4. References-- APA Format

with at least 7 academic references. These should be either:

Refereed journal articles (not newspapers, magazine articles or internet sites) or Specialised monographs or specialised academic books (not undergraduate accounting or management textbooks).

Note: Professional publications, newspaper, magazine and internet sources can be appropriately used but must be in addition to the 5 academic sources. While internet sites can be useful for locating sources, be aware that many are of questionable academic value.

5. Detail -- Write a review of the literature of 2,000 - 3,000 (excluding reference list) following the guidance provided on the assignment details as well as materials and discussions from the workshop in week 2. Your literature review should be presented in 12 point font and all referencing needs to be in APA format.

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Financial Accounting: The use of fair value in financial accounting advantages
Reference No:- TGS01357132

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