
The use of dramatic stories became increasingly important

The use of dramatic stories became increasingly important to musical composition during the 19th century and for this week's discussion I would like you to read and briefly compare two famous poems from the time: The Raven, by Edgar Allen Poe & The Erlking by Heinrich Goethe. What are some of the basic similarities and/or differences between the two poems . Your comments could include things like the setting for each story, how the authors create drama in the story, how supernatural elements are incorporated, the use of characters, etc. Then I would like for you to think about how Schubert, who was only 18-years-old, took the The Erlking and set it to music. How does he set the general scene through the music? How does Schubert illuminate the story's drama through the music? Do you think he captures the story successfully? 

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Other Subject: The use of dramatic stories became increasingly important
Reference No:- TGS01010074

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