
The use of digital media within organizations has

Project : Case Study


The use of digital media within organizations has transformed how organizations communicate with prospective and current customers. Digital media such as: web videos, e-books, and social media have each shaped the communication strategies organizations employ to engage customers.

In this assignment, you will locate examples of how the use of digital media was used to communicate information to achieve a specific goal of an organization or individual.

Students are required to create a case study and provide an analysis, which integrates what you have learned in the course, in addition to performing additional outside research.

Formatting Requirements

Project must follow APA style

Double-spaced 1 inch margins

12 point professional font

Headers including project name, class, and page numbers

File name first initial, last name and project (ex. JDoe_casestudy)

Use of tables, graphs, images, etc. of appropriate size that are relevant to the information being conveyed is highly encouraged.

Content Requirements

Minimum of 1500 words, maximum 1750 words (excluding cover and bibliographical pages)

Title Page including your name, instructor name, course name and number, and paper title

Case Study Requirements

Introduction and Synopsis of Article / Case

Goal of Organization or Individual

Strategy Employed to Accomplish Goal

Measurable Success Factors

Conclusion and Analysis of End Results of Initiative

Bibliographical Page with minimum of 2 professional / scholarly sources. Wikipedia is not acceptable.

NOTE: Assigned work should be submitted on time. You will have a long lead time in which to prepare, ask questions, and seek help.

Therefore, unless a major accident, illness, work assignment, or other extenuating circumstance prevents you from submitting work on time, late assignments will be subject to a late submission penalty and will lose 10 percent (1 letter grade) per day up to 5 days. No assignment will be accepted after 5 days without an approved, documented excuse.

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Dissertation: The use of digital media within organizations has
Reference No:- TGS02238919

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