The U.S. Department of Transportation reported the accompanying data (see below) on the number of speeding-related crash fatalities during holiday periods for the years from 1994 to 2003 (Traffic Safety Facts, July 20, 2005).
a. Compute the standard deviation for the New Year's Day data.
b. Without computing the standard deviation of the Memorial Day data, explain whether the standard deviation for the Memorial Day data would be larger or smaller than the standard deviation of the New Year's Day data.
c. Memorial Day and Labor Day are holidays that always occur on Monday and Thanksgiving always occurs on a Thursday, whereas New Year's Day, July 4th, and Christmas do not always fall on the same day of the week every year. Based on the given data, is there more or less variability in the speeding-related crash fatality numbers from year to year for same day of the week holiday periods than for holidays that can occur on different days of the week? Support your answer with appropriate measures of variability