Use the information on the companion web site or other informational resources to locate a recent example of a well-publicized computer crime involving a hacker. Research the details about the incident and write a 2-page paper addressing the following:
Summarize the facts of the case-what was the crime, who was the criminal, who was the victim, what was the resulting damage of the crime?
What do you think was the underlying motivation of the criminal in the case? Why? What facts or data support your thinking?
Based on the six categories of hackers presented in your textbook on page 93, how would you categorize the hacker in your case? Why?
What punishment did the criminal receive? Do you think the punishment fit the crime?
How do you think this crime could have been deterred?
This paper should adhere to APA style standards including the following: Double space, 1" margins, title page, in text citation of references, and a reference page.