
The transportation security administration doesnt care if

The Transportation Security Administration doesn't care if you have been naughty or nice this holiday season. If your brightly-wrapped package potentially contains an illegal item, it will get confiscated and you may get arrested, reports CBS Los Angeles.

TSA issued the warning to passengers after a traveler was caught allegedly trying to smuggle marijuana in a wrapped gift earlier this month, according to CBS. The ganja-giver was subsequently arrested.

In addition to contraband, seemingly-innocent items could land you in a TSA search and your gift in the trash. Items such as bats, pool cues, and liquids (such as lotions) are legally banned from being brought onto a passenger aircraft as a carry-on item. If the circumstances of the package are suspicious, TSA can, and likely will, tear apart the pretty paper to investigate.

Under federal law, carrying a concealed dangerous weapon onto an aircraft is a criminal offense punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Although the bat you bought for your nephew probably won't land you in prison, it will definitely delay the boarding process.

To prevent a hold-up in security screening, check-in wrapped presents you were given just in case they may contain banned items. Warn family and friends in advance that you will be taking their presents on an airplane. And if you are the one doing the giving, stay away from drugs, concealed weapons and banned items as presents. Or buy the gifts when you land. Items (legal ones) are duty free at the airport!

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