
The total length of each of your news reviews should be one

The news log should contain at least 8 stories. The format of the news log is straightforward. For each story you should include:

1) The source of your news story, its date, and URL (if viewed online)

2) A summary of what the story was about and how it relates to American politics

3) A description of what you thought about the story and its subject

The total length of each of your news reviews should be one to one and a half pages in length, double-spaced and in a 12 point font. They must be related to some aspect of the American Political System. DO NOT USE EDITORIALS OR OPINION ARTICLES.

It is vital that you consider multiple points of view so you must look at content from diverse news sources. This includes reading or viewing stories from news organizations with known opposing points of view such as Fox News and MSNBC, as well as different delivery vehicles such as newspapers (including their online sites), broadcast or cable TV news shows or their websites, and even comedy or late night interview shows that have extensive political content and guests. Just make sure that you mix it up!

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Science: The total length of each of your news reviews should be one
Reference No:- TGS01407590

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