The topic you choose must discuss computer hardware, software, and networking technologies use in conjunction with the categories below. Take the approach of either Pro vs. Con, Past vs. Future, Discovery or Informational as found in most "White Papers".
Your term paper must be written in the formal style of writing using the APA Writing Style. Make sure that your approach is stated early during the Proposal and Annotated Bibliography portion of the term paper requirement. You must have a minimum of three (3) primary and three (3) secondary references. Your secondary references cannot consist of solely electronic references.
As annotate in the syllabus, your term paper must consist of 1,250 words using the APA Writing Style.
The PowerPoint Presentation
Graphs, charts, tables and other automated artifacts are highly encouraged to enhance your presentation were appropriate. Be careful not to overload your presentation with large memory intensive files. You are restricted to 6 - 12 slides (6 Minimum & 12 Maximum).