
The topic on this has a lot of interest for me because as


The topic on this has a lot of interest for me because as being a Christian and not yet married I like to compare on the statistic of being under the Christian view of marriage and how much does it play a role on how marriage work and are people more likely to stick through the bad times due to the relationship with God. The value of this topic is of deep meaning for the Christian man or women who is already married, or the person who is not married yet but looking into marriage and wants to know how successful Christian marriage is compared to let's say that of worldly views. And to see how the rates of being a Christian effects the sanctity of marriage, as couple what are the strengths of marriage say to those in worldly marriages. What are the bonds and difference between both?


Marriage, Divorce, and the Church: What do the stats say, and can marriage be happy?, (Chris Martin, 2014)
Church Divorce Rate Way Lower than Anyone Thought, (Paul Strand, 2014)
What Does the Bible Say About Marriage? (Mary Fairchild, 2011)
U.S. divorce rates for various faith groups, age groups, & geographic areas (B.A Robinson, 2009)
How Should a Christian View Marriage and Divorce? (Amy Desai, J.D. 2012)
The Unraveling of a Christian Marriage (Elisabeth Klein, 2011)
When Christians Get Divorced (Amy Julia Becker, 2011)
What Does the Bible Say About Divorce? When Is It Allowed? (Dennis Rainey, 2013)

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