
The topic of the research paper is police use of force

The topic of the research paper is police use of force. Throughly review Graham v. Connor and then explain and corralate that case regarding police use of force to recent high profile incidents across the country such as in Ferguson, MO; Baltimore, MD, Chicago, IL, Charlotte, NC, etc...

I don't want a generic summary of the use of force model. I want to see if you can apply it correctly according to the law when looking at an incident where force was used. This assignment is not a forum for what you personally think or feel the law regarding police use of force should be and it is also not focused on excessive use of force and/or police brutality.

As criminal justice university students I want you to know exactly what the law reads and the standards that American police officers are held to. In other words if you do your research properly you will know what is reasonable force as opposed to force that is unreasonable or illegal.

Many people are very quick to react to an incident involving force, often before any investigation is completed, and claim that the police acted unreasonably, yet if you ask them to explain the use of force model, as defined by the United States Supreme Court, they cannot even begin to describe it. The police are legally authorized to use reasonable force, including deadly force in certain situations. Are they correct 100% of the time? Of course not...

Please use these research paper guidelines:

8-10 pages in length

Size 12 Font, double spaced, Times New Roman Font

The paper must conform to APA guidelines.

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Dissertation: The topic of the research paper is police use of force
Reference No:- TGS02553383

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