
The topic must be as specific as possible in terms of a

5-page research paper and a 7-9 slide show PowerPoint Presentation of the research paper

The topic must be as specific as possible in terms of a moral issue or moral situation. The context must be very clearly described and wherever possible data regarding the situation should be given. A focus on a particular person, people group, or type of person for which this moral issue or situation is contextualized is essential. This might involve interviewing people who have or might be likely to experience such a situation or issue, or asking them how they would understand or experience such a situation or issue. The paper should move from naming the issue (as a very specific, core moral question) to context (as described above), to engaging the tradition (fundamental moral theology, including Scripture, church teaching, the Catholic intellectual tradition, virtue ethics, or any other related aspects). This is because examining a moral question cannot come out of thin air, but must rather build in some way on a grounding within the tradition and respect for tradition. (Note that "traditio" means what has been handed on.) Analysis of the interplay between context and tradition, together with provisional conclusions or suggestions for further moral reflection and discernment should follow.


  • Create the paper in a "Word" format and then attach it as a Safe Assignment file under the "Assignments" tab.
  • You must use standard format one-inch margins, 12 point New Times Roman font, and 1.5 spacing.
  • Your assignment must be at least five full pages in length (NOT including title page or bibliography) or you will not receive full credit.
  • The paper MUST have a well-crafted title, and it must use headings and subheadings, ordinarily for every 3-4 paragraphs.
  • Students are expected to use Chicago (Turabian) style. They may use either of the two Chicago citation styles (using footnotes or the parenthetical author-date style), but must be consistent and correct in the application of the chosen style.
  • Papers should include a works cited page of at least five sources (this may include course texts). The citation system chosen (Chicago) must be consistently applied throughout the text.

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Dissertation: The topic must be as specific as possible in terms of a
Reference No:- TGS01390338

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