
The topic is about addiction for smoking cigarette and

Write about a parent finding about his child smoking cigarette.

For this paper choose the same topic, about addiction for smoking cigarette and anything regarding it.


Prepare a short (4-6 pages) research paper that identifies several key issues related to the scenario you chose for your Lot in Life.

Incorporate at least 8-10 scholarly, credible, and current references to support your ideas, drawing primarily from government and community agencies as well as scholarly journals and books. Include in-text citations and a reference list in APA format.

Paper should be double-spaced and use a standard font (e.g. Times New Roman, 12 pt). Be sure to include a reference list at the end of your Part 2 assignment.

Paste your Part 1 assignment in at the end of this research paper.

Assignment Format and Referencing Style
Use UMUC's online Guide to Writing and Research for the format, especially for how to cite your references. You may also wish to consult guidelines for APA style. (Do not use footnotes at the bottom of the page; rather, following APA, list your references at the end of the paper.)

Web Resources

As you use the Web for information, you should be aware of the fact that the Web has both good and bad information, as well as information that is biased. There are many online resources devoted to finding and evaluating information on the Web. A very detailed discussion of how to evaluate information can be found in the UMUC library website. Do not use Wikipedia as a source for your information.
Finally, sources that tend to have good information include the following: college or university department sites (be careful of student pages; some are very good, but some are not so good), professional organizations, governmental agencies, professional journals, and regularly published newspapers and magazines.

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Essay Writing: The topic is about addiction for smoking cigarette and
Reference No:- TGS01606491

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