The topic for this unit was the classification of

The topic for this unit was the classification of carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). For this assignment, pick a group 1 carcinogen from the IARC. Find at least five peer-reviewed journal articles that support the relationship between the carcinogen and the cancer that it causes. Some suggested topics might be:

-benzene and leukemia,

-crystalline silica dust and lung cancer, or

-vinyl chloride and liver cancer.

The Business Source Complete database is a good source of journals for safety-related articles from the CSU Online Library.

The Literature Review must include the following components:

-an introduction of your topic of choice (include some background information on the origins of exposure and cancer),

-the methods used to search for the articles,

-the results of the articles,

-a discussion and conclusion with your own opinion, and.

-APA references and in-text citations for the article.

The literature review must be three to four pages in length and follow APA formatting.

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Science: The topic for this unit was the classification of
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