
The topic design modification of once through split flow


The guidelines below indicate the format which the Project Report must comply with. Please read this carefully.

Declaration by the student: A certificate declaring the Originality and Ownership of the Project work undertaken by the student must be attached following the title page. The Template of the certificate is given in the

- The Project Report must be neatly typed using any word processing software package.
- The length of the main body text should be between 10,000 and 14,000 words for Final Report.
Paper: White A4 sheet, typed on only one side. Margin: Left 1.5", top 1", right 1" and bottom 1".
- Typing :
Chapter Title: Impact (Upper Case), size 16, Aligned to left side ( e.g. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW )
-Main Heading: Arial Bold, size 12 ( e.g. 1.1 Network Routing Protocols)
-Sub Heading: Arial Bold, size 11 (e.g. 1.1.1 Dynamic Source Routing )
-Body text: Arial, size 11, Colour: Black
-The chapters will be designated by Numerics like
CH APTER 1, CHAPTER 2 ... etc. The sections of a chapter will be numbered using decimal type notations, e.g., 3.2 refers to the second section of chapter 3.
oFigure and Table captions: Arial, size 11
Decimal type notations will be used for numbering the figures/photos, charts, tables and drawings in a chapter (e.g. Figure 3.2 , Table 4.2 etc.)
oThe pages carrying the declaration, acknowledgement, abstract, contents, nomenclature, list of tables, list of figures will be numbered by using one set of small roman numerical (i, ii, iii...).
oFooter: page numbers at the bottom right hand side - e.g. 29 - for page number 29 in the report. Header: Chapter name & title in Arial, Italic, 9pt font on right side
oEquations should also be numbered in decimal type notation within the brackets.
oAppendixes will be numbered with capital Roman numerical, e.g. Appendix I, Appendix II .....etc.
- Paragraph alignments:
oParagraphs - justified
oLine spacing - 1.5 line spacing
- Binding:
oThe report must be bound using ‘tape' type binder (different colours for different programmes). It is the student's responsibility to undertake to have this done and sufficient time must be allowed for this before the submission date.

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The topic Design modification of once through split flow steam generator

Use friend file info with different word's as much as possible to make it related to my topic because it has already similar info like my project and rewire in deferent word's for my new report

Rewrite report again and use it again if needed to link the info together with the two files

Follow the GUIDELINES FOR WRITING PROJECT REPORT file in written the new reportAs per specified format (Obtain from Blackboard)
Declaration by the student

As per specified format (Appendix 6)

The acknowledgement by the candidate for successfully carrying out the project work


It is the condensed version of the project, which contains aim, methods used, important results obtained and major conclusions in a paragraph form. The write up should be self-contained and list of references need not be there. The abstract should occupy maximum one page. The bottom line should contain key words.

Table of Contents
The content shall follow the abstract and indicate the page numbers of the chapters, sections, sub-sections, appendixes and references. The number and titles of all the items must be clearly entered with page numbers against them.
List of Tables
As per the specified format (Obtain from Blackboard)
List of Figures
As per the specified format (Obtain from Blackboard)
List of Symbols and Abbreviations
Nomenclature will follow the contents. Its purpose will be to define all the symbols, abbreviations, Greek or Latin letters, superscripts etc.

CHAPTER 1 Introduction
Introduce the project problem; define the scope, aim and objectives of the investigations;

CHAPTER 2 Literature Review
Describe the literature/Theory relevant to a fields or topic of the project;

CHAPTER 3, 4, 5.. Experimental Setup and Methodology
Deals with the experimental investigation carried out and methodology used. This chapter should be detailed to give deep insights into the experimentation associated with the project and must be the bulk of the report;

CHAPTER 6 Results and Discussions
Discuss, analyse, and interpret the results obtained;

CHAPTER 7 Conclusions
Present the conclusions based on the results

CHAPTER 8 Recommendations/Future Work
Give suggestions for future work based on conclusions


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Dissertation: The topic design modification of once through split flow
Reference No:- TGS02272652

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