
The tonic is the central tone around which a melody and its

(Place the correct letter in the blank with the definition.)

1._____is the line, or tune, in music

2._____is what moves music forward in time.

3._____marked off in measures organizes the beats (the basic units) in music.

4._____describes the vertical events in music, or how they sound together.

5._____The tonic is the central tone around which a melody and its harmonies are built; this principle of organization is called

6._____is created by an unstable, or discordant, combination of tones.

7._____occurs with a resolution of dissonance, producing a stable or restful sound.

8._____single- voiced music without accompaniment

9._____many- voiced, one line set against another.

10._____ common in songs, features repeated music for each stanza of text.

11._____ is the rate of speed, or pace, of the music.

12._____describes the volume, or how loud (forte) or soft (piano) the music is played

13._____tone color

14._____The voice ranges

15._____Choral groups with no accompaniment.

A.Consonance B.Dissonance C.Dynamics D.Harmony E.Melody F.Meter G.Monophony
H.Polyphony I.Rhythm J.Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass K.Strophic form L.Tempo
M.Timbre N.Tonality O.A cappella

Answer T for True or F for False (write clearly!)

16._____ Romantic music is characterized by order, objectivity, and harmonious proportion.

17._____ Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, were members of the Parisian school

18._____ The Classical melody is singable and lyrical

19._____All Classical music-making revolved around public ticket sales

20._____During the Classical period, women did not hold court positions as musicians and teachers

21._____The Romantic Period is the golden age of chamber music

22._____The string quartet consists of 2 violins, viola, cello and basso continuo

23._____Beethoven worked under the patronage of the Esterházy court.

24._____Mozart was a child prodigy who started to write music before the age of five.

25._____The French Revolution destroyed the middle- class

26._____The Industrial Revolution spurred many technical advances in musical instruments

27._____ Classical composers used nationalistic, folkloric, and exotic subjects.

28._____ Romantic composers used richly expressive harmony, and broad, expanded forms.

29._____During the Romantic Period, women musicians excelled as performers, teachers, composers, music patrons

30._____The Lied is French for solo voice and piano

31._____Absolute instrumental music depicts a literary or pictorial association

32._____Political unrest throughout Europe stimulated schools of nationalistic composers

33._____Dates for the Classical Period are 450-1450

34._____Dates for the Romantic Period are 1750-1820

35._____The idée fixe was used by Berlioz

Place the correct letter in the blank space.

36.____ 1450-1600

37. ____1600-1750

38.____ 476-1450

39.____ A-B-A-C-A

40.____a "2/4" rhythmic feel instead of "3/4".

41.____a shorthand that allowed the performer to improvise the chords.

42.____Baroque Keyboard Instruments

43.____chamber sonata for small setting

44.____church sonata

45.____contrapuntal composition with single theme

46.____divided the octave into 12 equal parts.

47.____earliest polyphony

48.____texts added to upper voices of organum

49.____The fixed melody based on the chant that was the lower voice of organum

50.____featured solo song with instrumental accompaniment

51.____Golden age of a cappella style

52.____highly emotional and lyrical opera songs

53.____large sung drama combining vocal, instrumental music acting, scenery and costumes 54.____large work for soloists, chorus, and orchestra, without scenery, biblical theme

55.____moves plot and action of opera forward

56.____music notation by square notes on four-line staff

57.____Musical pictoralization with text.

58.____musically pictoralized without text.

59.____orchestra alternates with solo violin

60.____ostinato descending bass line

61.____overture, allemande, courante, sarabande, hornpipe, minuet, gigue

62.____part of the Lutheran church service.

63.____performed on a royal barge

64.____Secular vocal composition for three to eight voices

65.____solo instrument with accompanying instrumental group

66.____Stradivari, Guarneri, Amati

67.____text or scripts of the opera

68.____The bass part often played by two instruments

69.____The emotional and dynamic union of text and music

70. ____sacred vocal monophony, nonmetric, sung in Latin from Middle Ages.

A.aria B. basso continuo C. Cantata D. Cremona violin makers E. doctrine of the affections F. duple meter G. equal temperament tuning system H. figured bass I. Fugue J. Gregorian chant K. ground bass L. libretto M. monody N. neumes
O. Opera P. Oratorio Q. orchestral ritornello R. Organ, harpsichord, and clavichord S. Organum T. Motet U. Cantus Firmus V. program music W. recitative X. Renaissance dates Y. Renaissance Style Z. Rondo Form 1. Solo concerto
2. Sonata da camera 3. Sonata da chiesa 4. The Baroque dates 5. The Baroque Suite 6. The Madrigal 7. The Middle Ages dates 8. Water Music 9. word painting
(Place the correct letter in the blank with the definition.)

71.___was the international counterpart to a French movement.

72.___A relevant break from the Romantic Movement that included Impressionism, Expressionism, Neoclassicism.

73.___a return to an earlier era of detached, objective style of music. Absolute music.

74.___The writers and publishers of Popular music in New York City at the turn of the twentieth century.

75.___the mixture of popular and serious idioms and away for the strictness of Modernism

76. ___Total abandonment of key center.

77.___certain elements are left up to the performer.

78.___Contemporary musical style featuring the repetition of short melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic patterns with little variation.

79.___ technology standard that allows networking of computers with electronic musical instruments.

80.___Late-nineteenth-century piano style created by African Americans, characterized by highly syncopated melodies.

81.___was a French movement developed by painters

82.___used natural sounds recorded on magnetic tape as a new medium for composition.

83.____had its origins in rhythm and blues, country- western, pop and gospel

84.____drew elements from African traditions and Western popular and art music.

85.___The diverse artistic trends of the early twentieth century were a reaction against __?

A.Atonality B. Chance Music C. Impressionism D. Expressionism E. MIDI F. Minimalist G. Neoclassical H. Postmodernist I. Ragtime J. Tin Pan Alley K. Modernism L.Musique concrète M. Romanticism N. Jazz O. Rock

(Listening test will be in class. Place the correct letter in the order played)






91. ____




95. ____






A. Arcadelt: Il bianco e dolce cigno (Italian madrigal)
B. Bach: Contrapunctus (Fugue)
C. Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 (Classical Symphony)
D. Bernstein: Tonight Quintet (Musical Theater)
E. Copland: Appalachian Spring, (American Ballet)
F. Debussy: Prelude to "The Afternoon of a Faun" (Impressionism)
G. Handel: Messiah, (Oratorio)
H. Hildegard of Bingen: Alleluia, O virga mediatrix (Plainchant)
I. Holiday: Billie's Blues (Blues)
J. Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag (Piano Rag)
K. Schoenberg: Pierrot lunaire, (Expressionism)
L. Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring (Modernism)
M. Strayhorn/Ellington: Take the A Train (Big Band Jazz)
N. Wagner: Die Walküre, (German Opera)
O. Williams: Imperial March (Movie Score)

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