
The three strikes law was created in hopes of getting


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First reply,

According to the Campaign for Youth Justice (2011), it states that "evidence-based practices (interventions that are scientifically proven to reduce juvenile recidivism) not only reduce crime but save money."

Research has shown that crime is studied through macro (large level), and micro (small level). Some issues on the macro level as it relates to crime include mental health issues, hopelessness, despair, and depression. Individuals that commit crime are often looked at by society based on who they appear to be when they commit the crime.

However, a more careful research of the individuals past history, family history, medical history, etc. can reveal more about what may have prompted him/her to act out. Many individuals have underlying mental issues that have never been addressed and even suppressed and at some point in life, a trigger may remind them of an event that happened that was never dealt with.

Some macro level practices that may prevent crime include; being reared in a positive home, having positive influences while growing up; living in an environment that community has community resources; church influences, positive peers.proper parental supervision; good nutrition, access to better health care. may help to deter delinquency.Research indicates that some individuals that are not exposed to these positive influences also have positive outcomes because of what is labeled as resilience. Certain laws have attributed to juveniles having similar adult macro policies as stated in the film. Laws that allow juveniles to be tried as adults, affords them the same rights as an adult

Risk and Preventative Factors of Delinquency: Perspectives.

Second response,

The "three strikes law" was created in hopes of getting career criminals off the streets and keeping them off streets. "The state of Washington passed the first three strikes law in 1993. Anyone convicted of three separate violent felonies must be sentenced to life in prison with no chance for Parole. The state of California followed, in 1994, by enacting a three strikes law that mandates a sentence of 25 years to life for a third felony conviction. Unlike Washington, the California law counts nonviolent felonies, such as Burglary and theft, as "strike" offenses.

The popularity of the three strikes law in California has been pronounced. By 2001 over 50,000 criminals had been sentenced under the new law, far more than any other state, with almost one-quarter of the inmates facing a minimum of 25 years in prison." (West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2, 2008) California also restricted judges by not allowing them to have any discretion in setting prison terms. In 1996 California Supreme Court ruled that judges could "ignore prior convictions" when determining if a person qualified for the three strikes sentence.

I think there are several things that lead to crime for example a person(s) who live in poverty, mental instability, revenge, ones ego, anger/aggression, and quick money, someone who does not fit into the society norm an outcast. Everything I listed could easily lead one person or several individuals to commit a crime or several crimes.

Prevention programs positively influence the public because they stop this crime from happening in the first place. In addition, even some prevention programs are more successful than others are. One aspect of exceptionally successful prevention programs is their comprehensive nature. Programs that are more holistic prevent future crime better because they deal with various aspects of a child's life, not even one.

Although there is really no way to completely predict which children will behave in delinquent and criminal ways in the future, there are multitudes of risk factors that have been shown to correlate with these behaviors. "Fetal substance exposure, prenatal difficulties, an abusive and violent family are all risk factors related to poorer executive functioning. This weakness is then shown to lead to violent behavior" (Zagar, Busch, and Hughes 281).

"Recent research supports the relationship between antisocial behavior and problems in emotional self-regulation and impulse control - specifically emotions like anger and aggressiveness" (Olds et al. 71). "Other parental factors include an increased family size. This may lead to reduced parental influence and monitoring and greater peer influence" (Olds et al. 74). "Moreover, increased economic difficulties and parent depression may lead to a lack of nurturing and involved parenting, which is associated with negative peer relations as well" (Olds et al. 77).

I do agree with the video clip that most adult policies do not work with juveniles moreover, they do not even work with most adults reason why we have career criminals.


Olds, David, et al. "Reducing Risks for Antisocial Behavior with a Program of Prenatal and Early Childhood Home Visitation." Journal of Community Psychology 26.1 (1998): 65-83. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 11 Nov. 2009.

Three Strikes Laws. (n.d.) West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. (2008).

Zagar, Robert John, Kenneth G. Busch, and John Russell Hughes. "Empirical Risk Factors for Delinquency and Best Treatments: Where Do We Go from Here?" Psychological Reports 104.1 (2009): 279-308. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 8 Nov. 2009.

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