
The three funding measures which considers the relative

1.    Which of the three funding measures, considering the relative financial contributions it imposes on individuals such as these, would you support and why?Here is my answer:

The three funding measures which considers the relative financial contributions which has been imposed on the individuals are direct measures that increase the liability of the individuals to pay the initial expenditures out of their pockets and then later on they can get it reimbursed from their organization. Another one is health spending support system that will make use of better facilities first, and then they go for the expensive health care facilities that will be paid by the government organizations. The one that we would support is the measurement through the direct expenditure because it reduces the liability of the individuals, and they can easily avail the right services (Schaierrneyer, 2000).

New question for this:

To your point #1, I don't believe you've answered the question posed by this week's topic and that is to choose one of the three funding mechanisms to support, and give reasoning why you chose it. To restate, the three funding mechanisms are:

"Three separate options are being considered to generate an average of $4,000 per worker-a flat mandatory premium, a doubling of the current 7.65% payroll tax that comes out of people's pay to cover social security and Medicare, and a 7% increase in income tax."

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Microeconomics: The three funding measures which considers the relative
Reference No:- TGS01096068

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