
The thesis must be original not self-evident and

Research Paper Instructions

The ability to communicate in writing is one of the most important lessons you can learn, and one of the most vital abilities necessary in today's business world. Please feel free to contact me with writing questions.

Further, the following criteria apply:

• Every assignment must have a clear thesis statement, as the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. Any paper without a thesis statement will receive no higher than a grade of "C".

• The thesis must be original, not self-evident, and demonstrate creativity and critical thinking in order for the paper to receive a grade higher than a "C".

• Every body paragraph must start with a topic sentence in the author's own words. The topic sentence is like a mini-thesis, relating back to the main thesis, and will be the focus of that paragraph. The first sentence of a paragraph may NOT be a quote or paraphrase.

• Papers without significant analysis will receive no higher than a grade of "C".

• First/second person is NOT permitted in any assignment. Any paper using first/second person will receive no higher than a grade of "C".

• Avoid use of indefinite words like "it" or "they" unless it is absolutely clear what subject each pertains

NOTE: Your final paper length should be around 10-12 pages of content, not including the title and reference pages. About 2500 to 3000 words will give you 10-12 pages...approximately. Remember, proper application of APA style format is required. Also, don't forget to use graphics, pics, charts, etc., to demonstrate your ability to use another application in addition to using MS Word. Fort example, you could insert a bar chart developed in PowerPoint or Excel to enhance or clarify your written discussion.

An "A" paper typically includes the following elements:

• You must provide outstanding contribution on the seven criteria above
• You must have at least ten resources referenced
• You must use APA citations
• You must submit in a word document
• All research papers MUST have citations and resources.

Citations/References: You must use APA (Parenthetical in-text) style for citations and reference list for this assignment.

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Dissertation: The thesis must be original not self-evident and
Reference No:- TGS02277579

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