
the theory of absolutismmonarchy in europe during

The Theory of Absolutism

Monarchy in Europe during the medieval period was based on the theory of the king as the first among nobles, who "represented" the people, who were sovereign. This theory held that the people's "natural" liberty to rule themselves had been over time vested in their "natural" leaders, the nobles, who chose the king (usually for life) by assembly. Examples of this form of an elected "monarch" include the Holy Roman Emperor and the pope.

By the 16th and 17th centuries, this theory had evolved. In some countries of Europe, such as Poland, the king was still elected by assemblies of nobles. In others, notably the Netherlands and Britain, but also including Austria, France and Spain, this theory held however that even if nobles no longer elected the king, power to govern came from the nobles and was merely exercised by the king for them in conjunction with an assembly of nobles, clergy and commoners.

A newer theory which appeared in the 17th century came to be known as absolutism. It was based on the opposite notion that all power belonged to the king, who summoned assemblies of nobles and clergies to advise him. This theory often drew support from religious doctrine, because it held that the king's power came not from the people but from God, who had chosen the king as His representative on earth. This theory is known as the divine right of kings. The most significant writer who supported this argument was the French bishop Bossuet.

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History: the theory of absolutismmonarchy in europe during
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