
The theory and practice of capital punishment in the united

Capital Punishment
Bohm, R. M. (2016). Deathquest: An Introduction to the theory and practice of capital punishment in the United States. Taylor & Francis.
This source informs on the essential contents of death sentence issue. It is a full edition of arguments about the capital punishment. The author tells the reader on morality behind this matter. The contents include a clear history of the genesis of capital punishment and its advancement to the present day. Facts that support the action, as well as those against it, are adequately discussed in the text. Also, Supreme Court decisions are outlined alongside legal processes concerning the capital punishment. Therefore, this resource is rich in vital details concerning the topic since it has a complete history and related legal grounds thus helping one to make sound opinions on the issue.
Brugger, E. C. (2014). Capital Punishment and Roman Catholic moral tradition. University of Notre Dame Press.

The position of the religious leaders concerning the matter is crucial. This particular article represents many that explicitly stand against the death penalty. The pontifical see provided that death penalty is not an acceptable way of ruling against any offense. The church has the moral obligation of giving directives that regard safeguarding the human life and ensuring that human life is preserved and handled with the dignity it deserves. The text digs deep into various Catholic Church doctrines and pontifical letters by different popes. It is under such documents that the church upholds its stance giving implications of contradicting such teachings.

Maggard, S. R., Payne, B. K., & Chappell, A. T. (2012). Attitudes toward capital punishment: Educational, demographic, and neighborhood crime influences. The Social Science Journal, 49(2), 155-166.

People exposed to different life conditions will view a particular issue in a variety of ways. This scholarly material provides various grounds through which the acceptability of death penalty can be gauged. The text involves interviews from different personalities from a college, a region or an area that has frequently experienced a serious crime. The reasoning and acceptability of each would significantly differ due to their exposure to education, crime experience or general feeling about the topic. This article has deeply researched and interviewed people on the subject. The outcome has brought out issues of racism as well as remarkable differing views between those who have undergone education and those who are not legit.

Meltsner, M. (2011). Cruel and Unusual: The Supreme Court and capital punishment. Quid Pro Books.

The practice of capital punishment decisions especially in American constitutional courts has gained significance by day. The works of various scholars have played a great role in shaping the people's understanding of the issue and in ensuring that critical analysis of situations is done before concluding on applying this rule. The text is clear in providing circumstances whereby this rule has been implemented after the legal team took crucial time and required considerations before coming to a conclusion. Therefore, this source is important in providing the legal grounds for application of this rule and providing real examples of how capital punishment is practiced.

Steiker, C. S. (2012). Capital Punishment and Contingency.

The concept of capital punishment has been taken with different intensities over the world. Being a concept originating from the colonialists, different countries and continents have, with time, taken sides, either being for or against the death penalty. This article tends to give the various views that such regions have on the topic and their stand. As explained in the text, liberal democracies tend to differ with the United States on the issue since most of them do not consider it as a good practice to uphold. The document offers the present day democracy and independence in deciding on the use or failure to use the penalty on criminals.

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