
The theorem stated below is followed by statements from its


This is a complex analysis assignment

(i) The theorem stated below is followed by statements from its proof. For each of the numbered statements provide a short comment that explains or justifies it.

Cauchy's theorem for a triangle. Let f be a function that is holomorphic in a simply connected region R and let T be a triangle in R with boundary ∂T. Then

∂T f = 0.

Proof There exists a nested sequence of triangles {Tn} such that

(1/4)n|∫∂T f| ≤ |∫∂Tn f| and l(∂Tn) = (1/2n) l(∂T),

and there exists zo  such that zo ∈ Tn for all n.

(1) Given any ∈ > 0 there exists ∂ > 0 such that

|z - zo| < δ => |f(z) - f(z0) - (z - z0)f'(z0)|≤ ∈|(z) - (zo)|.

(2) There exists n such that l(∂Tn) < δ and Tn ⊂ D(zo:δ)

(3) For z ∈ ∂Tn

|fz - f(zo) - f'(zo)(z - (zo)| ∈l()< ∂Tn.

(4) ∫∂Tn f(z)dz = ∫∂Tn (f(z) - f(zo) - f'(zo)(z - (zo)dz.

(5) |∫∂Tn f|  ∈l(∂Tn)l(∂Tn)

(6) (1/4)n|∫∂T f| ≤ ∈l(∂Tn)l(∂Tn) ≤ ∈(1/4)nl(∂T)ll(∂T),

(7) ∫∂T f = 0.

(ii) Let R be any rectangular contour in C and let f be a function that is holomorphic in C. Use the theorem above to prove that

R f = 0

where R is any rectangular contour in C.

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Mathematics: The theorem stated below is followed by statements from its
Reference No:- TGS0964839

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