
The textbook describes the history of insurance regulation

Question: State or Federal Regulation of Insurance

The textbook describes the history of insurance regulation and the balance between federal and state regulation of the industry. Using the textbook and other sources, state your position on the state vs. federal regulation debate. Should insurance be regulated primarily at the state or federal level? Provide explanation and support of your position. As always, properly cite your sources.

Length: 300 words for Initial Post and 100 words each for two peer responses.

Discussion Forum Instructions -

There are two parts to your online discussion obligation:

Initial Response Post - Research and then respond to the assigned discussion question by the end of Day 4 of the week.

Participation Posts - Read and respond (substantively and meaningfully) to at least two of your classmates' posts by the end of Day 7 of the week, but preferably earlier.

Online Discussion Questions - Initial Response Post: You will post a thoughtful and researched response to one or more online discussion questions that will be presented to you in that week's Blackboard discussion forum. For example, for week 1 of class you would click the "Discussion Forums" link on the left menu of the Blackboard classroom, and then read the "Description" (which is where you will find the question and any special instructions) next to the "Week 1" link.

Ponder the discussion question, then conduct your research using the course textbook and other resources, and then compile your discussion post. I suggest that you first write your post in Microsoft Word, including proper citations and references for your sources and then paste your finished work into the discussion forum. When you click the "Week 1 Discussion Forum" to post your response, you will need to click "Create Thread" in order to begin a discussion thread with your post. Note that you will not be able to see your classmates' posts until after creating your own thread. Once you create your thread, you can then paste in your work from your Microsoft Word document.

To summarize, here are the steps:

1. Click "Discussion Forums" in the left menu.

2. Locate the "Week X" discussion forum and read its corresponding discussion question(s).

3. Do your research, critical analysis, etc. and write your initial post in response to the discussion question using Microsoft Word or a similar text editor.

4. When ready to post, click the "Week X" discussion forum link for the current week, then click "Create Thread"

5. Enter a subject, and then paste your discussion question response into the message textbox (please do NOT attach your response as a file).

6. Click Submit.

Substance - What should your initial response post include?

Your initial post should respond directly to the discussion question, using textbook theory, other respected scholarly resources (i.e., not Wikipedia and blogs), and your own experiences to support your responses. Because it is possible that you have experiences or opinions on these matters, sharing the insights you have gained in the world allows every member of the class to become an instructor to the others. If you do not have direct experience, talk to a family member or friend with experience that can give you some ideas on the topic.

However, this initial response post to the discussion question should not consist solely of your own opinion and experiences. Your response needs to reflect some research drawing on the textbook and other respected resources to formulate and support your response.

Your discussion forum initial response posts should be professional in content and style. I expect that your responses will be at least two paragraphs in length in order to earn full credit. Several criteria must be met in order to receive full credit:

  • They must be posted by the due date.
  • They relate directly to the discussion question.
  • They develop the point with examples and research.
  • Research sources are correctly cited and referenced (APA).
  • They do not simply copy another posting or material from another source.
  • They show an understanding of the concepts from the textbook.
  • They are written clearly and exhibit college-level writing ability.

Online Discussion Questions - Participation Posts: After you have posted your initial response to the discussion question, you must return to the discussion forums on at least two other occasions during the week to read your classmates' posts, and add to the scholarly conversation.

Your participation credit for the discussion forum grade is based on your contribution to the "conversations" in the discussion forums. It is also based on your response to questions that are directed to you by classmates or the instructor. Therefore, although you should post on multiple days, you should be sure to check the forums on the final day of each week and respond to any questions. Participation postings must fulfill several criteria in order to receive full credit:

  • A minimum of two substantial postings in response to classmates' post have been placed in that week's discussion question forum.
  • The postings are done earlier than the last day of the week to allow for ongoing comment.
  • The postings are respectful and supportive in tone.
  • The postings do not simply agree with or repeat another posting but develop the ideas further by raising new perspectives or asking a meaningful question.
  • The postings do not simply copy another source but are substantially written by the student.
  • The postings show an understanding of the concepts from the textbook.
  • Any research used is correctly cited and referenced (APA).
  • When a classmate (or instructor) poses a question to you, answer it - Even if you have already met the minimum post requirements.
  • You respond to all questions directed to you in the forum, even if they are posted on day 7 of the week.

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Dissertation: The textbook describes the history of insurance regulation
Reference No:- TGS02639981

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