1. The testing of the new system is a critical part of this step of the Systems Development Life Cycle.
A. Systems Analysis B. Conceptual Design C. Physical Design D. Implementation and Conversion E. Operations and Maintenance
2. A report detailing the needs of users and specifications for the new system to meet those needs is produced during this step of the Systems Development Life Cycle.
A. Systems Analysis B. Conceptual Design C. Physical Design D. Implementation and Conversion E. Operations and Maintenance
3. Source documents and reports are designed and specific control activities are built into the new system as part of this step of the Systems Development Life Cycle.
A. Systems Analysis B. Conceptual Design C. Physical Design D. Implementation and Conversion E. Operations and Maintenance
4. A fast-growing service company is developing its information technology internally. What is the first step in the company's systems development life cycle?
a. Implementation. b. Testing. c. Analysis. d. Design.