
The term robin hood in relation to texas school districts

The term "Robin Hood" in relation to Texas school districts refers to the organization or plan in which local tax revenue is disbursed with other school districts. The school finance system in Texas classifies districts as either property wealthy or property poor. Classification is measured by dividing the number of students from the taxable value of property in the schools district borders, according to the Texas Education Agency. The districts that are classified as property wealthy share the wealth with the districts that are classified as poverty poor, thus characterizing it as a "Robin Hood" school finance reform plan (Wall).

Many argue that the provision slightly helps or that it even makes the economic standpoint even worse. According to the Dallas Morning News, the Dallas School district is considered a high-wealth district. However, it has "avoided sending any of their tax revenue to the state because of a school finance law passed in 2006 that protected school districts from funding losses that could occur because of the new law"(Stutz). Meaning that participation in the revision can negatively affect a property-wealthy district which portrays itself in the amount given back to the state to be redistributed.

The Texas Eduation Agency administers a program known as " The Foundation School Program," this, "..establishes the amount of state and local funding due to school districts under Texas school finance law and that provides the state share of this funding to districts." Its role is to, "ensure that all school districts, regardless of property wealth, receive "substantially equal access to similar revenue per student at similar tax effort, considering all state and local tax revenues of districts after acknowledging all legitimate student and district cost differences" (Davis). It is composed of the operations funding component, which aids in financing maintenance and operation, and the facilities funding component, which provides assistance for debt and facilities.

I believe that the crisis should be approached in a deeper fashion. The students economic stability should come into consideration because the fact that a school may have a large or small number of students does not necessarily classify the district as poor or wealthy. A complete evaluation of each indiviadual school should be administered and be distributed accordingly.

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