
The technology review papers will be used to prepare your


Technology Review #1: Emerging Application of Technology (Consumer or Business).

This paper is the first of twoTechnology Reviews that you will research and write for this course. For this paper, you must choose an emerging application of technology which is suitable for future use in a consumer-oriented product or service (i.e. a new product for personal or home use) or a business-oriented product or service.

The technology review papers will be used to prepare your technology selection paper for the Analysis of Alternatives exercise later in the course. Your audience for these papers is a group of senior executives who will be meeting to decide which emerging technologies or emerging applications of technologiesshould be selected for one or more security-focused, Internal Research & Development projects during the next budget cycle. Each of these executives is responsible for a business area that will (a) develop products which incorporate the emerging technologies or (b) depend upon such products to support their organization's operations.

For this paper, you will perform the first three stages of the technology scan:

Technology scanning is an evaluation model that is used when you need to develop a list of candidate technology solutions. A technology scan can also be used when you need to obtain information about the latest advancements in security products and technologies.

The technology scan has four stages: scoping, searching, evaluating, and recommending.


The scoping phase of this technology scan has already been performed. Your scope is stages 3, 4, and early stage 5 as shown in the figure below.

Image Source:https://web.archive.org/web/20160501225520/https://www.atp.nist.gov/eao/gcr02-841/chapt2.htm


To begin, select a technology which is in the early-stage technology development, product development or early production/marketing stages of the product lifecycle (Stages 3, 4, or early stage 5 in the figure above). You may use news articles, press releases, and government or company Web sites to help you find an appropriate technology. (Remember to cite these sources in your paper.)

Technologies which are currently in these stages include:

• Big Data Analytics
• Wearable Computing Devices (choose 1 specific device)
• Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) (devices & electrical circuits)
• Graphene
• Dielectric thin films
• Magneto-electric magnetic sensors
• Nano imprinting
• Nano machines
• Neuromorphic computer chips

You are encouraged to look for and investigate additional appropriate technologies before deciding upon your technology choice for this assignment.

If you decide to research a technology that is not on the suggested technologies list (see above), you must first request and receive your instructor's permission. Your instructor may require that you do preliminary library searches for research papers and technical papers to prove that you can find a sufficient number of resources to complete the assignment.

Survey of the Professional Literature

During your survey of the professional literature, you will identify 10 research papers or technical papers which provide technical information about your selected technology (see selection requirements for each paper). These papers must be dated between 2012 - 2017 (five year window).

Allowable sources for research papers / technical papers are: (a) professional journals, (b) conference proceedings, (c) dissertations or theses, and (d) technical magazines (published by either the ACM or IEEE). If an article from one of the above sources does not have a reference list containing at least 3 references you may use it in your review paper but it WILL NOT COUNT towards the "10 research or technical papers" requirement.

The requirement to "survey the professional literature" must be met by using research papers/publications and technical papers which are available from the following UMUC online library databases:

• ACM Digital Library https://ezproxy.umuc.edu/login?url=https://www.acm.org/dl
• Dissertations & Theses (Pro Quest) https://ezproxy.umuc.edu/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/pqdtft/advanced?accountid=14580
• IEEE Computer Society Digital Library https://ezproxy.umuc.edu/login?url=https://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/home
• Science Direct https://ezproxy.umuc.edu/login?url=https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/search

Note: You may use other sources in addition to the papers which comprise your survey of the professional literature.

Next, brainstorm the security implications of this technology (if these are not specifically discussed by your sources). You should consider use of the technology to improve cybersecurity and uses which will negatively impact the security posture of an organization or the security of individual consumers or users of the product. It is very important that you consider BOTH SIDES OF THIS ISSUE.

Note: Remember that the security posture of a system or product is framed in terms of risk, threats, vulnerabilities, etc. Improvements to the security posture (positive security implications) will result in reduced risk, increased resistance to threats or attacks, and decreased vulnerability. Negative impacts on the security posture will result in increased risk, decreased resistance to threats / attacks, and increased vulnerability (weakness).

Write down your thoughts and ideas about the security implications of this technology using (a) the Five Pillars of Information Assurance and/or(b) the Five Pillars of Information Security.For your paper, you do not need to include all ten "pillars" but you should address a minimum of three. If you are targeting an "A" on your paper, address at least five of the pillars.

• Five Pillars of Information Assurance: confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, and non-repudiation. These are defined in CNSSI-4009 and discussed quite nicely by K. S. Wilson in Conflicts Among the Pillars of Information Assurancehttps://ezproxy.umuc.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edswsc&AN=000322695100011&site=eds-live&scope=site

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