
The system analysis and redesign project focus on a

Systems Analysis and Redesign Project - Phase 1 Instructions

The System Analysis and Redesign Project focus on a cloud-based solution for a company you understand well. The purpose of this project is to ensure that you know how to analyze an organization and its' associated systems in order to determine which information systems components need to be redesigned in order for the organization to operate more effectively. The project should highlight your advanced skills in information systems, showcasing your knowledge of all domains of our field.

The key objective of the project is to analyze and design an existing system that is outdated and a new system that can function in cloud-based and/or a distributed computing architectural environments. The re-design will be based upon at least one strong and well respected information systems and/or informatics framework and several associated standards. The framework and associated standards (e.g. COBIT, NIST, etc) will be used to benchmark the existing system to the new system and determine if improvements were made. 

Your project will be separated into 3 phases:

Phase 1: Introduction, problem statement, framework, narrative, and project plan

Phase 2:Methodology to compare the old and new systems and the systems analysis

Phase 3:Results of comparison of the old and new systems and the systems design

Phase 1 Report Requirements

This report must contain the following elements:

I. See the grading rubric for all minimums.

II. Cover page

III. Table of Contents (TOC)

IV. Every section must be well supported with scholarly information systems journal articles.

V. Executive Summary and conclusion sections

a. You will write an executive summary after the rest of the report. An executive summary is not a narrative version of the TOC. It is a 250 word executive overview that presents the major information from the report so that an executive whose time is limited can quickly understand the essence of the report.

b. The conclusion should be the last heading and conclude the current phase and state the upcoming objectives and deliverables in the next phase. 

VI. Problem statement

a. You must select a business you either work with or an organization you know well and have expertise on that allows you to re-design an information system using your knowledge.

b. At least 500 words should exist in the problem statement that gives the precise information system problem, the specific information system you will address (e.g. an ERP, CRM, Supply Chain Management system, E-commerce system, etc).

c. Note the problem must meet later project specifications so assure it is a comprehensive information system

i. It must be able to be designed into an innovative, highly available, security, and scalable cloud-based information system

ii. It must have key information system components due to design requirements such as an associated storage area network, database, local area network, wide area network.  Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs) are a great example of an information system that meets these requirements but there are many other systems as well, just be sure they cover all the objectives of all phases of the project so that you are successful

VII. Narrative description of the project

a. This should include a description of the client organization (including the organizational unit or functions served by the system), motivation for the system (that is, why the client organization wants the system, what problems it is encountering, what opportunities would such a system provide), the users of the potential system, and the general functionality the client wants in the system (the users and general functionality form a statement of scope for the project and system).

b. Proper industry standards and frameworks need to support the information systems re-design.  These need to be well supported with scholarly peer reviewed sources in this section.

i. For example, you could propose using certain NIST or COBIT standards to re-design the information system.

ii. This is instrumental to assure the information systems re-design has a benchmark in which to compare and measure its success in later phases

VIII. Project Plan

a. Although phase 3 of the project stops at the design stage of the SDLC, assure the project plan covers the planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance aspects of the SDLC

b. The plan should focus on updating the old information system to the new cloud-based information system

c. Comprehensive project charter

d. Project scope, alternatives, and feasibility

e. Project schedule and comprehensive work break down structure

Financial budget, cost, and benefit analysis

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Business Management: The system analysis and redesign project focus on a
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