In 2005, reported on a survey of 1,000 young adults, including those with college degrees, college students, college dropouts, and full-time workers. The report mentions that "only 32% of young adults without a degree said parents strongly expected them to go to college-a huge gap from the 67% with degrees who got such encouragement. The survey's margin of sampling error was plus or minus 3 percentage points."18
a. In fact, the margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points only when reporting on the entire sample of 1,000 individuals. Is it more or less than 3% when reporting on subgroups such as those with and those without college degrees?
b. Keep in mind that fewer than 30% of all Americans older than their late twenties have a college degree. Which subgroup has a smaller margin of error: those with or those without a college degree?