
The super bowl report

THE SUPER BOWL REPORT: The Game will be broadcasted on network TV and/or ESPN. (The paper will be about 2 to 3 pages, double space, and 12-point font.)

Problem 1: You are to select and write about ONE (1) PRODUCT COMMERCIAL. The only exception will be that you cannot select or write on the anticipated “ABORTION” commercial that will be played sometime during a “commercial breaks” of the Game. The commercials you select may be about a product or service. It can be for a profit business or a non-profit business.

Problem 2: ANWSER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING Questions in your Paper:

a) Name of Commercial (Use Product Name or Other Reference-Give it a Name);

b) Describe and Name Product presented;

c) Name of Presenter (Celebrity- movie or sports, business leader, etc.);

d) Briefly describe the format type: for example, cartoon, animated, or real actors;

e) Length: Estimate 30 seconds, one minute, etc;

f) Did you select the commercial because you liked it or hated it?

g) What did you like or hate about the commercial?;

h) What is the message?  Was the message subtle? Or was the message clear to the viewer (you)? And what was the message of the commercial (for example, “shop at Wal-Mart”);

i) Was the message “effective”? For example, would you after watching the commercial be more interested in buying or trying the product presented?;

j) Was the commercial aimed at a certain market segment (children, elderly, etc.) or demographic (“20 something young adults”, etc.)

k) What, if anything, would you change about the commercial?

l) Based on all the commercial that you have viewed, how would you rate the two commercials (on a 1 to 10 scale)

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Marketing Management: The super bowl report
Reference No:- TGS01611880

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