
The sunholm solar executives liked your general

The Sunholm Solar executives liked your general specification memo for the website and have entered into a contract with you to develop the site. They are ready to proceed to the next step in the development process: the drafting of a detailed site plan.

The official mission statement for Sunholm Solar is as follows.

We will be the leading provider of residential solar power systems to homeowners throughout the United States. We offer value and savings to our customers through advanced technology, innovative design, convenient financing, and superior customer service. We believe that energy independence is a vital goal for both the nation as a whole and for each individual, and we aim to help homeowners achieve their personal energy independence through access to clean, renewable, affordable solar power.



Review the mission statement for Sunholm Solar and the additional information provided by the company executives.

Develop a site structure diagram using Word, PowerPoint, Visio, or any other tool that you feel comfortable with. Paper-based submissions are acceptable, but they must be neatly drawn and scanned in. Submit your assignment to this week's assignment Dropbox.

Include the following.

  • The top level of the hierarchy should only show the home page. 
  • The second level of the hierarchy should show links to any pages accessible from the home page. 
  • The third level of the hierarchy can show any links accessible from the second-level pages. 
  • Show 10-12 pages altogether, including the home page and at least one page that will include a web form (such as contact us, submit order, etc.). 
  • Create a chart listing the filenames for each page that you intend to create, such as products.html, and show how they map to the page names in the site structure diagram. 
  • File names must not include any spaces or punctuation other than underscores and should be all lowercase. 



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Business Management: The sunholm solar executives liked your general
Reference No:- TGS01062073

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