
The sun rotates around the milky way galaxy

Complete the following mcq:

1. The Sun Rotates around the Milky Way Galaxy at a speed of

a. 250 Km / sec and it makes an orbit in 20 Million years

b. 20 Km / sec and it completes an orbit in 220 Million years

c. 250 Km / sec and completes an orbit in 220 Million years

d. 250 Km / sec but the time to complete an orbit can vary substantially from orbit to orbit based on neighboring star positions.

2. Dark matter has been postulated to explain

a. why the night sky in not completely illuminated by stars

b. the discrepancy in orbital periods observed for stars in the Milky Way

c. the material that is ejected by Black Holes when they evaporate

d. the scattering of light detected from far away galaxies.

3. Hubble's Law implies that

a. there are an equal number of galaxies approaching the Earth and receding from the Earth

b. the red shift is the same for all Galaxies we see and is an important verification of the Big Bang Theory

c. the speed of a galaxy as measured from Earth is linearly dependent on the distance of the Galaxy from Earth

d. Einstein's theory of special relativity has limitations near Black Holes

4. A Quasars intense energy is created by

a. the repulsive gravitational force created by massive black holes

b. the acceleration of matter falling into black holes

c. nuclear energy release in perpetual Supernovas

d. magnetic cooling from the fields created by spinning black hole

5. The Schwartzschild radius, also called the event horizon, for a Black Hole coming from a star of 2 Solar Masses is

a. 6 Km

b. twice the radius for the Sun's Schartzschild radius.

c. 12 Km

d. This question has no meaning since a star remnant of 2 solar masses is insufficient to create a black hole

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Physics: The sun rotates around the milky way galaxy
Reference No:- TGS01884037

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