
The subject of your paper is of your own choosing but it

Topic and Bibliography

Topic - The subject of your paper is of your own choosing, but it must be grounded in Chican@/Latin@ visual culture. Provide a paragraph outlining the main topic for your paper and outline 2-3 points you will address.

Topic Tip - Look for 1-3 visual examples of a site or object that directly relate to the chosen issue or theme, as this is a required part of the paper.

Bibliography - This is a research based paper, which means you base your paper on the research of other scholars. The assignment is to identify 5 or more resources that you will use for your paper. You may refer to the web, and please note when you do, you must include the web address in the bibliogrpahic notation.

Each source is to be followed by notes, comments, and ideas pertinent to your research topic.

If it isn't a good source, but you include it on the bibliography, tell me 5 things wrong with it or just don't include that source if you really can't say anything about it (and don't use it).

One or more sentences should be a summary of source.
If it is a good source tell me why.
If you see a connection to another source, that is worthwhile to note.
If the source sparks your interest or your find it problematic, talk about what and why.


Don't forget each sources is to be in a horizontal format and not vertical.
Don't list a book if you really are only talking about one essay in the book. Instead, list the essay.
Don't forget to include the web address and date accessed for all online sources. This does not mean essays you downloaded as a pdf from the web, but web based sources.
Don't forget to submit a printed copy, in addition to uploading your materials.

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History: The subject of your paper is of your own choosing but it
Reference No:- TGS01391238

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