
The subject matter of this paper includes why this is a

The Public Service Announcement Production
Each production team will do a preliminary write-up paper (3-6 pages) about the topic area and target audience. This will require correctly cited, academic research, most likely from scholarly journals. All production requires some form of research. In the paper, you need to be clear about why this is a significant topic, who it is significant to and why (intended audience), what ways of addressing this topic to that audience would make the topic salient, and what course of action or attitude you expect your audience to take. Just providing information is not the only purpose of a PSA. There needs to be a call to action. Understand this is a preliminary research paper. It is NOT your script. You must include all works cited and properly cite the articles in the body of the paper or your paper will not pass. Use MLA style for citation. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/11/

The subject matter of this paper includes:

• Why this is a significant topic,

• Who it is significant to and why (intended audience)

• What ways of addressing this topic to that audience would make the topic salient

• What course of action or attitude you expect your audience to take.

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Dissertation: The subject matter of this paper includes why this is a
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