
The student profile program logs student information to an

Please write the code in java or C.

Assignment: Coding the Student Profile Program

The assignment is to implement the Student Profile Program following the "requirements" listed in the Specification section below. The goal of this assignment is to write this application as "tight" as possible, meaning without run-time or logical errors.

The application must compile for credit to be received.

The Student Profile Program logs student information to an external file. The system must allow for the entry of multiple students. The information that is recorded for each student in the log is the following:

1. Full name

2. Age

3. TUID Number

4. Email Address

5. Phone Number

6. Major

7. Expected graduation date

8. Is the student an Undergraduate?

The Application is to have a simple user interface that allows the user to input the following and only the following:

1. Last Name

2. First Name

3. Middle Name

4. Date of Birth

5. Phone Number

6. Expected Graduation Date


8. Email Address

9. Major

10. Whether the student is an undergraduate or not.

Student data will be written to an external file in a presentable manner. Simply listing each student's information separated by a blank line between students is acceptable.

The application does not have to allow for editing of student information once it has been submitted.

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Computer Engineering: The student profile program logs student information to an
Reference No:- TGS02894759

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