
The structure of your brief business report - there are


The assignment report must be in the form of a (brief) business report approximately 1.5 - 2 page. The structure of your (brief) business report must include the following:

1] Title - Create an appropriate title for your report.

2] Executive Summary - No more than half a page stating the objective, findings and conclusions/recommendations, whenever appropriate.

3] Introduction - No more than 2 paragraphs stating the background, objectives and methods.

4] Main Body - Answering the questions, one by one, from (a) to (f), with proper questions/sequence labelling. You need to copy the cells that shows the formula and answer.

5] Conclusions - 2-3 lines summarizing/concluding your workings.

As most of the questions in this assignment are to be solved using Excel, you need to highlight(i.e. block), copy and paste appropriate portion/area of your Excel's worksheet onto your report, which must be typed-written in Microsoft Word format. Do NOT copy or attach the whole data provided in the Excel file onto your report.

You must not use calculators for this assignment. Instead, you need to learn how to use basic Microsoft Excel knowledge to solve. Please install Data Analysis ToolPak if you are using Microsoft Windows. If you have a Mac, you will need to download StatPlus:MAC LE.

Problem Description

A multi-national corporation in Petro-Chemical with strong presence in Asia employs tens of thousands of workers. The top management, based in Texas, US believed in forging a family-friendly working environment, and in compliance to the National's Affirmative Action policies, the company encourages offices in Asia not to discriminate historically minority groups when it comes to employment and career advancement. However, there has been accusation of discriminating against its female workers in some of their South East Asia's offices.

In order to investigate this alleged gender discrimination in the salary earnings of workers in that industry, a random sample of 100 workers is drawn from a pool of employed workers in Malaysia and the workers' monthly salaries are recorded, along with their years of education, age and gender (0 denotes female, 1 denotes male).

By answering each of the following questions, and using your statistical knowledge, determine if the accusation against the corporation of discriminating against its female workers is valid or not.

The data for this task are given in the Excel file posted on Bb's Assignment 1. Here the monthly salary (in Singapore Dollar (SGD) is the dependent variable (Y) and gender (0 female, 1 male), age, and years of education are independent variables (Xs).


A. By manually entering appropriate mathematical formula in Excel, compute the mean monthly salary of male and female employees from the data provided to show the possible presence or absence of gender discrimination.

B. For the variable ‘age', determine the overall median, mode, range, and Interquartile Range by manually entering correct mathematical formula in Excel.

C. By using "Descriptive Statistics" functions under "Data Analysis" in Excel, generate 2 tables to compare the data analysis for the salary of male and female workers. Comment on your findings with respect to Central Tendency and Dispersion.

D. There is/are "#N/A" in the table you generated in (C) above. Explain the reason for having "#N/A".

E. There are critics who discount the value of your data analysis as they doubt the accuracy of the data provided in Bb. Comment and suggest a way to improve it.

F. Do you think there is reason to support the accusation that there is gender discrimination in their South East Asia's offices? Why?


For Question A, B : copy the cells with the formula and answer, then paste them into your word report.

Question C : copy and paste the 2 "Descriptive Statistics" tables onto your report, and provide 2-3 lines of comment.

Question D, E, F : Provide your answer on the Word document. Each answer should not exceed 2 lines.

To assist you in this Assignment 1, you may wish to watch the following:

1. How to download "Data Analysis" or "StatPlus:MAC LE." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yNxLFagKgw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqDEot_CLi8

2. How to insert formula in Excel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUoz9v2CHjo

3. How to find the mean, median, mode, Interquartile Range in Excel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vxbYw9R84w

4. How to generate "Descriptive Statistics" table in Excel.

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Dissertation: The structure of your brief business report - there are
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