
the stress surveythe following questionnaire is

The Stress Survey

The following questionnaire is designed to provide you with an indication of the extent to which various individual level stressors are sources of stress to you. For each item you should indicate the frequency with which the condition described is a source of stress. Next to each item write the appropriate number which best describes how frequently the condition is a source of stress.

1. My job duties and work objectives are unclear to me.

2. I work on unnecessary tasks or projects.

3. I have to take work home in the evenings or on weekends to stay caught up.

4. The demands for work quality made upon me are unreasonable.

5. I lack the proper opportunities to advance in this organization.

6. I am held accountable for the development of other employees.

7. I am unclear about whom I report to and/or who reports to me.

8. I get caught in the middle between my supervisors and my subordinates.

9. I spend too much time in unimportant meetings that take me away from my work.

10. My assigned tasks are sometimes too difficult and/or complex.

11. If I want to get promoted I have to look for a job with another organization.

12. I am responsible for counseling with my subordinates and/or helping them solve their problems.

13. I lack the authority to carry out my job responsibilities.

14. The formal chain of command is not adhered to.

15. I am responsible for an almost unmanageable number of projects of assignments at the same time.

16. Tasks seem to be getting more and more complex.

17. I am hurting my career progress by staying with this organization.

18. I take action or make decisions that affect the safety or well-being of others.

19. I do not fully understand what is expected of me.

20. I do things on the job that are accepted by one person and not by others.

21. I simply have more work to do than can be done in an ordinary day.

22. The organization expects more of me than my skills and/or abilities provide.

23. I have few opportunities to grow and learn new knowledge and skills in my job.

24. My responsibilities in this organization are more for people than for things.

25. I do not understand the part my job plays in meeting overall organizational objectives.

26. I receive conflicting requests from two or more people.

27. I fell that I just don't have time to take an occasional break.

28. I have insufficient training and/or experience to discharge my duties properly.

29. I feel that I am at a standstill in my career.

30. I have responsibility for the future (careers) of others.

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HR Management: the stress surveythe following questionnaire is
Reference No:- TGS0445950

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