Question 1. A circular rod of length 15 inches and diameter 0.5 inches is subjected to a tension of 5600lb if the rod is made of steel E=29000ksi G=11000KSI.
What is the new cross sectional area?
Question 2.The stress state at a point within a structure is as shown below . All stresses are in MPA . What is the normal stress on the plane to the horizontal. What is the direction of the maximum shear stress with respect to the x-axis and what is the maximum shear stress?
Question 3.This section is subjected to a positive bending moment M=40Nm. What is the centroid, moment of inertia and maximum shear stress for this object?
Question 4. A steel (E= 200 GPa, a=10x10-6/0C) rod of diameter 2 cm is welded to a brass (E= 150 GPa, a=5x10-6/0C) rod of dimmer 1 cm as shown. The assembly is confined by two fixed supports as shown. The temperature is raised by 100 °C
Question 5: Draw a free body diagram for the picture below, and find the maximum bending stress and maximum shear stress?