
The story of elizabeths ascendancy to the throne the plot

Watch Movie- Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007)

Basic Plot:  ‘The story of Elizabeth's ascendancy to the throne, the plot of the movie is full of palace intrigues, attempted assassinations and executions. The movie starts with England divided by faith, Protestant vs. Catholic. The queen, Mary Tudor has no heir and her Catholic supporters fear the succession of her half-sister Elizabeth, a Protestant. They convince the queen to have Elizabeth arrested and put in the Tower of London but the queen hesitates and eventually refuses to sign her death warrant. It is announced that the queen is pregnant but it turns out to be a tumor and she dies of it a while later. Her Catholic supporters are forced to give the throne to Elizabeth. Elizabeth's first few years are shaky as she is not versed with the art of realpolitik and "rules from the heart instead of the mind". There is also the question of her succession as she is yet unmarried and her death without heir would mean the throne falling back into Catholic hands. She has many suitors but she eventually rejects them all. And aided by Sir Francis Walsingham she manages to kill all her enemies and ascends the throne as the "Virgin Queen".’ (Synopsis from amazon.com)

Please answer questions completely, illustrating your view with examples within the movie:

1. What made Elizabeth such a successful leader?

2. Who seems to be a major contributor to Queen Elizabeth’s success as a leader? Discuss your answer.

3. When Elizabeth assumes power, England and her closest advisers are split along religious lines. What does she do to bring team cohesion?

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