
The state of florida v casey anthony a florida mother casey

Answer each of the practice problems below. A minimum of 1 paragraph (4-6 sentences) is required for each response. Your responses must be thorough and fully answer the questions being asked. The responses must be typed in Microsoft Word and drafted in Times New Roman or Arial, font size 12.

1. The Drag Race. Leo challenges Danny to a drag race through town at 3 a.m. to see who had the fastest car. They take off, with some friends cheering. Danny wins, reaching the finish line first, but Leo turns around and continues racing back to the starting line. They both reach speeds over 100 mph. At the starting line, Leo loses control of his car, it flips and he dies. Danny is charged with manslaughter. Did Danny commit manslaughter? Explain. Velazquez v. State 561 So. 2d 347 (FL. D.C. A. 1990).

2. The State of Florida v. Casey Anthony. A Florida mother, Casey Anthony, was charged with but acquitted of homicide in the death of her young child, Caylee. The evidence was all circumstantial, requiring inferences. The child was found with duct tape over her mouth and the prosecution claimed that it was a combination of the tape and chloroform that killed her, but couldn't say how or which came first. Was this evidence sufficient to prove causation? After reviewing the case, do you agree with the verdict? See John Cloud, The Casey Anthony Verdict: The Jury Did the Right Thing, Time, July 6, 2011, available at https://www .time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2081590,00.html#ixzz1Retx7zo M. ("Casey Anthony got off because the prosecution couldn't answer such questions.")

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