A town has a population of 100,000 people. In this project, you are given a data file containing the ages of this population in 2014. You are to read the data to your program and find:
1) The average age
2) The standard deviation
3) The percentile of the people before Kindergarten (1-5)
4) The percentile of the people in college (18-22)
5) The percentile of the people before retirement (22-70)
6) The percentile of the people after retirement (>70)
The standard deviation of a list of numbers is a measure of how much the numbers deviate from the average. The standard deviation, S, of a list of N numbers xi is defined as follows:

Where is the average of the numbers
Your program should send the 6 outputs to the screen as well as an output file.
1) Submit a project report (There should be no any handwriting in your report, except your signature in the first page)
2) The report should contain the whole program source code and the output screenshots
3) The program should include comments at the beginning with your name, the date you write the code, and the brief description of the
4) All major steps should be explained through use of the comment statements.
5) The screenshots of the output include the console output screen and the output data file screen. Both should be resize and printed
within one page.
6) The project report must be submitted on time and in class only. Work submitted in mailbox or slipped under the door will not be
accepted. Late work will not be accepted, except in real emergencies beyond the control of the student. "Late" is defined as later than
the date and time provided by the instructor for any particular assignment.
7) No incomplete grade will be given to the project.
8) Make sure your submission is a product of your own effort. Cheating will not be tolerated.