Need help with a Linux/UNIX question regarding PERL scripting please:
Redo activity 6.2-5 (shown below, called "score") using the while-loop with the diamond operator, the split function on a space character, and the $_ variable. Assuming the file score is specified as argument.
$ cat score
pchen72 50 71 55 93 115
jmaszk 45 76 49 88 102
bvbui 59 78 53 96 145
mtcrowle 33 65 39 82 100
mrchave3 54 77 56 98 158
Write a perl script called that computes the final percentage score for each student, as well as the class average
The max score is 450 and must be set as constant.
The output should be (round the score to nearest integer):
Total number of records: 5 Final score for pchen72 = 85% Final score for jmaszk = 80% ...