
The speaker or persona of a modest proposal is confident

1. In paragraph 4 the speaker of the essay mentions proposals set forth by 'projectors"-that is, by advocates of other proposals or projects. On the basis of the first two paragraphs of 'A Modest Proposal," how would you characterize this projector, the speaker of the essay? Write your characterization in one paragraph. Then, in a second paragraph, charac-terize the projector as you understand him, having read the entire essay. In your second paragraph, indicate what he thinks he is and also what the reader sees he really is.

2. The speaker or persona of 'A Modest Proposal" is confident that selling children 'for a good table" (para. 10) is a better idea than any of the then current methods of disposing of unwanted children, including abortion and infanticide. Can you think of any argument that might favor abortion or infanticide for parents in dire straits, rather than the projector's scheme?

3. In paragraph 29 the speaker considers, but dismisses out of hand, sev-eral other solutions to the wretched plight of the Irish poor. Write a 500-word essay in which you explain each of these ideas and their combined merits as an alternative to the solution he favors.

4. What does the projector imply are the causes of the Irish poverty he deplores? Are there possible causes he has omitted? If so, what are they?

5. Imagine yourself as one of the poor parents to whom Swift refers, and write a 250-word essay explaining why you prefer not to sell your infant to the local butcher.

6. The modem version of the problem to which the proposal is addressed is called 'population policy." How would you describe our nation's current population policy? Do we have a population policy, in fact? If not, what would you propose? If we do have one, would you propose any changes in it? Why, or why not?

7. It is sometimes suggested that just as persons need to get a license to drive a car, to hunt with a gun, or to marry, a husband and wife ought to be required to get a license to have a child. Would you favor this idea, assuming that It applied to you as a possible parent? Would Swift? Explain your answers in an essay of 500 words.

8. Consider the six arguments advanced in paragraphs 21 to 26, and write a 1,000-word essay criticizing all of them. Or if you find that one or more of the arguments is really unanswerable, explain why you find it so compelling.

9. Write your own "modest proposal,' ironically suggesting a solution to a problem. Possible topics: health care or schooling for the children of We-gal immigrants, overcrowded jails, children who have committed a seri-ous crime, homeless people.

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