
The socially conscious economy


The Socially Conscious Economy, and write 10 pages as final paper, and you should use those references:

1. Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus by Douglas Rushkoff

2. Economics Unmasked by Smith and Neef

3. This article: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-problem-george-monbiot

4. This movie: https://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/money-and-life-2013/

5. This article: https://the7gracesofmarketing.com/2013/05/the-dharma-of-business-why-the-world-needs-entrepreneurs/

- Describe concepts relating to the transition from the Industrial age economics to the new economy.

- Discuss the challenges that are facing the planet and society.

- Analyze how these challenges affect us as individuals and as contributing members of society.

- Explore the concepts of: capitalism, neoliberalism, money, debt, GDP, the Commons, UBI, gift economics.

- Demonstrate knowledge of alternatives to standard economics.

- Understand how a business can promote peace.

- Appreciate the interconnectedness of business and society and how a decision made by a leader, manager or organization impacts a broad range of stakeholders including employees, the community, the environment and future generations.

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Business Management: The socially conscious economy
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