"The Small Business Act "
1. Take a position on whether the government does enough to encourage contracting with small businesses. Provide a rationale for your position.
2. Suppose you have been working with the federal government for a period of time and become a large company. Assess your situation and formulate a plan to continue to operate as a small business which contracts with the government. Analyze whether the rules for allowing a growing company to fall under the Small Business Act are fair. Justify your response.
3. From the e-Activity, analyze how the government uses set-asides and preference programs to encourage small businesses to obtain and perform government contracts. Provide at least two examples or scenarios of when government should offer set-asides and preference contracts to small businesses.
4. Of the many different ways a company can qualify for small business preference programs, select one that you believe would be best for a small business of your choice in your community. Explain your selection.